We love our patients — and we want them to love the care they receive!

Our goal is to make sure every one of our patients has a fantastic experience with our hearing care providers , and that each gets the results they really need. Whether it’s something as simple as a hearing consultation or as impactful as a full hearing aid fitting , making our patients happy is what we’re here for. See what they have to say about our practice!

Milyn K.

This is a letter of thanks. My mother is 95 and has been in denial about her hearing loss for many years. I finally got her to agree to an evaluation at your Newport News facility. Theresa asked Mom what she estimated her hearing at, and Mom replied "80%." Behind her, I shook my head in sadness and frustration; I knew she was much lower. Theresa is wonderful, and Mom worked well with her through the testing and after.

Mom made the decision to get hearing aids herself, after learning that she was only comprehending 22 to 25% of what she heard. She is not as aware of the change in her life as I am. She hears better, but she doesn't really notice or think about it — and that is as it should be. But I notice (and remember) many changes:

Before mom had hearing aids she was chronically exhausted. When I spoke to her I often had to repeat myself many times. It was hard. Each time, she became more tense, tightening her body, contorting her face and neck as she questioned "What" and "What?" and “WHAT!?" I could see her tire. Eventually she would give up and gaze away from me and not respond. I learned to return to the subject another time. She knew she didn't hear some things, and she worried she was missing information; I would find notes she wrote reminding her to have me explain something to her. I knew that meant she had been worrying, and worry is tiring. I found her in bed a lot, "just tired."

She was often surprised by events I thought she was expecting because she had not really understood what I was saying, and that caused stressful confusion for both of us. She could not comprehend what her doctor said, or what the cashier at the store said; she would turn to me and shrug and I would interpret. Because of this, she did not like to go out and would come home very tired if we did. At home, if I spoke carefully and she was facing me, we did OK, but it was a struggle for both of us even though she had become accustomed to it. I hated it.

Hearing only 22 to 25% makes a big difference if I am asking her "Do you have rice?" as I plan dinner, and she hears "Do you have mice?" and gets upset. Even if we straighten the situation out and laugh about the mice/rice, she still can become confused after the fact and wonder if she has mice — or did I tell her she has mice? — and that mental confusion caused by her hearing loss was a big part of the chronic exhaustion she dealt with.

Mom still has hearing issues, but she comprehends SO much more now and seldom contorts or strains her body as she listens. She worries less, I seldom find notes now, and she is no longer so chronically exhausted — and neither am I. That last sentence is very important. I knew mom's hearing loss was having a significant effect on HER quality of life, but I hadn’t realized until now how big an effect the constant effort to help her was having on mine. Her hearing aids have allowed me to relax more and worry less. And that is a big relief and a wonderful surprise!

So thank you, Dr. Hecker, and special thanks to you, Teresa. The staff is gracious and helpful, but Mom comments many times on how charming and wonderful Teresa is, and I completely agree!

Carole Boyd

I came to this presentation two years ago because I become one those "what did you say?" people. Coping skills were no longer sufficient. The aid was cheaper than I anticipated, important because we are on a limited income. I never realized how much of life I was missing! I am also much more relaxed and comfortable in group settings! Tonight I'm teaching a group confidently, knowing I'll be able to hear everyone's responses.


Dr. Hecker and his staff are consummate professionals. Over the 6 plus years I have been a patient the service and personal attention I have received have been outstanding. Recently I made the decision to move from one hearing aid to two. Dr. Hecker’s sound diagnosis and advice coupled with the new digital technology has significantly impacted my quality of life. I could not be more happy with the improvement in my hearing-it is a welcome relief. Thank you Dr. Hecker!


It’s such a pleasure to hear the birds, music, and my grandchildren again. I only wish I had seen Dr. Hecker earlier to have my hearing corrected.


I never realized how much my hearing had deteriorated over the years. I always though it was just my family and friends mumbling and blamed my hearing problems on them. After a thorough exam and consultation by Dr. Hecker I came to realize it was “me” that had the problem. Dr. Hecker recommended 2 digital hearing aids and since receiving them last month I haven’t wanted to take them off. It’s been such a relief to understand voices again. I’m deeply indebted to Dr. Hecker and his staff, I can’t thank them enough.


Teresa has given me back hearing I didn’t think was possible. Her and the rest of the staff also provided world class service that always made me feel welcome.


The personal service and attention that I receive at Dr. Hecker’s office is second to none. I’m treated likely family whenever I come in and better yet, I can now hear things that I’ve been missing for many years. I no longer have the excuse ‘Honey, I didn’t hear you’. Thanks again to Eric and his staff and their expertise.


My new hearing aids are the biggest improvement in my life. I used to shun people because I couldn’t carry on a conversation. Now I’m thrilled to interact with other people. Eric, Jay, Teresa, and the rest of the staff are great! I can’t thank them enough.

Maria Marston

I travel over 120 miles for my office visits because of the excellent service and confidence I have in Dr. Hecker. I have tried other audiologist, but Dr. Hecker is just outstanding!

Ashley G.

As a nurse and mom of two young children I struggled everyday with hearing. My family has a history of hearing loss and I noticed a decrease in my hearing in my late teens. As it gradually got worse i knew I was missing more but had no idea how much until i was fit with hearing aids by Dr. Hecker. I can't believe how much I hear and how confident I am in my daily interactions with other people. Dr. Hecker and his staff Changed my life!


After 30 years of partial deafness, your educational seminar on hearing loss opened up a whole new awareness of the latest innovative technologies to help me experience life to the fullest. The diagnostic evaluations enabled Dr. Hecker to fine tune the hearing aid to my individual needs and lifestyle. his expertise, practical suggestions and encouragement made this a very smooth transition.


Dr Eackles is wonderful and extremely patient. I’m 81 yrs old and the quality of my life has improved dramatically over the past few years since I got my hearing aids. The fog has lifted!!